Sexual Enhancements

Penis Filler vs. Penuma Implant: A Comprehensive Comparison

By Lushful Team

September 5, 2023

Enhancing one's self-confidence and satisfaction with their body is a personal choice. Two popular options for enhancing penile size and appearance are penis filler injections and the Penuma implant. Understanding both is key to choosing the right option.

When picking a procedure to result in having a larger and girthier penis, there’s a huge variety of treatments to pick from, but what about one that is safer and can still bring you the cosmetic results you were looking for? Both the Penuma penile enlargement procedure and penile fillers may result in a fuller and girthier penis, but their recovery time and treatment are dramatically different. Learn about Penuma vs. filler for your penis, and what one works best for you and your lifestyle. 

Penis Filler


  • Non-Invasive and Quick: One of the main advantages of penis filler injections is that the procedure is non-invasive and requires minimal downtime, sometimes even called a “lunch time treatment” because you can be back to work right after. From the time the patient walks in to the time they leave is usually about an hour, while the actual procedure takes around fifteen minutes.

  • Buildable Results: Filler injections for penile enlargement provide temporary but long-lasting results, which can be an advantage for those seeking a subtle enhancement or looking to try the procedure without a long-term commitment. Additionally, certain fillers can be adjusted and built upon in follow-up sessions to achieve the desired size and symmetry.

  • Minimal Downtime: Recovery time is relatively short, and most men can return to their regular activities within a day or two after the procedure. Downtime from sex is minimal as well, 1-2 weeks at most.


  • Temporary Results: The primary drawback of penis filler injections is that the results are temporary, usually lasting 1-3 years depending on the fillers used. This means that repeat treatments are necessary to maintain the effect over time.

  • Risk of Complications: While complications are rare, there is a slight risk of infection if proper hygiene is not maintained after the penis filler treatment. There is also a risk of uneven results associated with filler injections usually due to poor post-care, injection technique, and/or filler choice.

  • Limited Size Increase: Fillers are generally better suited for modest size enhancements. Achieving significant size increases of male genitals might require multiple sessions of penis filler. Patients can achieve about 0.5 inches in increased girth after one treatment. Some patients can achieve greater sizes but must understand that this will be done over multiple sessions in order to preserve the shape of the penis. 

Penuma Implant for Penile Enlargement 


  • Permanent Results: The Penuma procedure offers a permanent increase in penile girth. This long-lasting solution eliminates the need for repeat treatments, providing a consistent enhancement.

  • Predictable Outcome: Surgical procedures like the Penuma implant tend to provide more precise and consistent penis size when debating penuma vs. penis filler - although some filler blends have proven to provide more consistent results.

  • Single Procedure: Unlike filler injections that may require multiple sessions, the Penuma implant is typically a one-time procedure.


  • Surgical Procedure: The main drawback of the Penuma implant is that it involves surgery, which carries inherent risks such as infection, anesthesia complications, and scarring.

  • Longer Recovery: Recovery time for surgical procedures for penile enhancement is longer compared to filler injections. Patients may experience discomfort and need to adhere to sexual activity restrictions for several weeks if not longer.

  • Permanent Change: While permanence is a benefit for some, it also means that any dissatisfaction with the results would require additional surgical intervention to address.

  • Cost: The upfront cost of the Penuma implant surgery is generally much higher than that of filler injections.

  • Implant Complications: Probably the biggest concern with the Penuma implant is the potential for the implant to shift or become infected even after the wound is healed. This would require the implant to be removed and have to be replaced (or not replaced). Implant revisions are extremely difficult and acquire greater risks because of the degree of scar tissue accumulated from the initial surgery. 

Making A Decision: Penuma vs. Filler 

While permanent results are really appealing, the cost, downtime, and risks associated with Penuma implants make it a procedure for someone who has thought very deeply and is willing to take all associated risks that can occur from a surgical procedure for a cosmetic enhancement. Penis filler, on the other hand, is the more obvious choice for a patient who would like to start conservatively or even seek a significant increase in girth without the major risks and downtime, or who has a busy schedule and cannot spend too long healing. 

Whichever decision, patients should seek out a qualified and licensed professional to help with genital enhancement. Be sure to verify credentials, ask for before and after photos, read reviews, and check their social media. After all, penis enhancement is a niche procedure so anyone offering these categories of procedures should be supplying education and qualifications.

Where To Get Girth Enhancement in NYC

If you’re looking for Girth Enhancement in NYC, Lushful Aesthetics is a premier NYC Medspa that offers penis filler. Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C is an Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner, who specializes in male sexual enhancement. His unique injection technique and filler blend provides long-lasting results delivered in a quick, safe and effective treatment. Patients rave about their results and the expertise Chris offers. To learn more about this procedure contact us or visit our website to schedule your appointment.